Friday, June 24, 2011

June 2011: The Definitive Facebook Lockdown Guide | ZDNet

June 2011: The Definitive Facebook Lockdown Guide | ZDNet

Excellent guide to securing your Facebook account, in key areas including Profile Page, Account Settings, Privacy Settings and other Miscellaneous "Bits."

We've all been there, when you discover that Facebook, or one of your Friends, is sharing something - an event, a check-in, a photo, a tagged photo - that you'd rather not be out there for the Facebook world to see.

Locking down your Facebook account in these ways is the best way to maintain control over your personal data and statuses. Unfortunately, with Facebook regularly updating its service - and at times just plainly establishing new "default" privacy policies along with those same services - the process of securing your information should be monitored, and updated on a regular basis.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lifehacker Guide to Facebook Privacy

The Always Up-to-Date Guide to Managing Your Facebook Privacy

This is easily the best guide to setting up and maintaining privacy control over your Facebook account I've ever found. Believe me, there are LOTS of them out there, but none explains the very complicated world of Facebook privacy settings quite like this guide.

Definitely check it out... I'll be focusing on some of the individual tips and profiling what they mean in a little more detail in upcoming posts.

Welcome to Facebook Tips

I've been on Facebook for quite a while. I can't recall exactly how long, but I was told about the site back when it still required an email address ending in .EDU to join. As I no longer have access to the email address I signed up with so many years ago, and as far as I know there is NO way to determine how OLD your Facebook account is - I just know it's been quite a while, but I'm not sure exactly how long.

(If anyone can help out with the whole age of your Facebook account question, I'd appreciate it!)

A lot about Facebook has changed since I first joined. When I first created my account, I rarely used it. As more of my co-workers got connected, then friends, back when they opened it up to anyone, I used it a bit more. Then, at least for me, my family and friends, around 2006-2007 or so, it just exploded. Suddenly everyone was on, sharing every thing they could about their life, their work, their family, etc.

Facebook has a somewhat controversial history of privacy matters for its users. Some of this can be blamed on users not understanding how certain things in their Profiles are shared, how their activities on Facebook (liking, commenting, etc.) are tracked, and so on; and much can be blamed on Facebook itself for not always explaining these things very well, and making it very difficult to control these privacy settings.

I started this blog to not just cover Privacy on Facebook, but rather general tips for people and businesses to get the most from what is now (June 2011, future reader) a social network with over 600 MILLION users, if you can believe that. Who knows, by the time some of you read this, it may be over a BILLION, or maybe Facebook will have been bought by some other company.

Stay tuned, and subscribe if you like.